

This 56-hour intensive program is designed to provide screen-based media professionals with the skills needed to excel as managers and entrepreneurs.


  • 独家访问行业领袖和多伦多城市大学的教师
  • 从G完成的认可. 张雷蒙继续教育学院, 多伦多城市大学 upon completion
  • 周五/周六的课程,尽量减少不在办公室的时间
  • 有限的招生,更亲密的班级规模

由永利体育和多伦多城市大学的G. 张雷蒙继续教育学院, the Corus Media Management Accelerator delivers essential management training focusing on six core competency areas: communications, 金融知识, 市场营销, 组织行为, 永利体育官网管理, 战略规划.

成功的参加者将获得由G. 雷蒙德·张多伦多城市大学继续教育学院. 收到奖励是由出勤和完成作业决定的.


看我们的 会话信息 在这里!







  • 10月13日星期五/星期六 & 14
  • 10月20日星期五/星期六 & 21
  • 11月3日星期五/星期六 & 4
  • 11月10日星期五/星期六 & 11



此永利体育官网对永利体育会员和非会员开放, and is recommended for anyone looking to make their first foray into a management position (or someone who has recently made that leap), 5年以上媒体从业经验.  The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of accomplishments and demonstrated work progression.

不确定你是否符合标准? 咨询Jennifer Dufton,永利体育官网助理,



永利体育会员:$1595 +HST

非会员:$1895 +HST

另外还有$25 + HST申请费.


付款计划可根据要求提供. 联系Jennifer Dufton (progassist@wift).网站)查阅详情.






Dr. 梁伟雄董事, 研究生领导学院耶茨研究生学院讲师, 领导力发展张继续教育学院

Understanding and applying the essential leadership and soft skills are critical for positive management impact. 在本次会议上, you will learn how to develop a management style that works effectively with different people and situations. 讨论的话题包括:情商, 情境领导, 冲突, 和谈判, 还有其他重要的方面. Development tools such as Myers- Briggs Type Indicator will also be explored and integrated.


维罗妮卡·柴尔-古普塔,硕士.A. 记者、公关战略家、演说家

本课程将着重于高级层次的高级沟通技巧. 参与者将探索人际关系, 口服, 以及书面沟通技巧, 有助于各种管理情况. 最佳实践, 除了案例研究, 练习和实用技巧, 与星期六交织在一起, 10月14日. 2023

会议,以加强实践内容. 本次会议还将回顾人工智能的作用. 人工智能的影响正在缩小各行各业的内容创造. 它在新闻和宣传中的使用正在“重新定义”真实性的概念. We will look at how AI is reshaping the media industry and how it is transforming the way we connect and communicate.


Organizational Behaviour is a field of study that investigates 3 interdependent systems: the individual (micro-level of analysis); the group/interpersonal relationships in organizations (meso-level of analysis); the organization and its environment (macro-level of analysis) so as to understand, 解释, 预测和影响人类行为. 它涵盖了广泛的主题:  

  • 在微观层面上——人格, 值, 感知, 的态度, 情绪, 动机, 决策, 创造力 & 压力  
  • 在中观层面——团队动力、沟通、权力、领导、谈判、冲突 & 决策  
  • 在宏观层面——组织结构、文化和变革

Human 资源 Management is a field of study that aims to improve the productive contribution of individuals and teams while trying to simultaneously attain organizational, 社会和个人目标.

本课程将着重于高级层次的高级沟通技巧. 参与者探索人际关系, 口服, 以及书面沟通技巧, 有助于各种管理情况. 最佳实践, 除了案例研究和实用技巧, 是否与课程相结合,以加强实践内容.


Jerry Kafieh,多伦多城市大学永利体育官网管理讲师

People have been managing projects since the first human endeavored to accomplish something new or different.  Common fundamental approaches underpin all effective project deliveries whether the project is hosting the Pan-Am Games, 建造建筑物, 研制疫苗, 或者筹划婚礼.This one day 永利体育官网管理 course engages participants through dynamic lecture presentations,练习, 以及旨在强调职场应用的讨论. The course provides a combination of essential theoretical and applied 永利体育官网管理 learnings.  Participants learn simple tips and techniques that can be leveraged immediately in organizations to enhance project delivery.


保罗·吉莱斯皮, 总经理, County Brewco; Adjunct Professor - Ted Rogers School of Business Management, 多伦多城市大学

本节课将重点讨论营销策划过程, 分割, 目标与定位, 增长战略与竞争优势.  我们将探讨企业如何, 品牌和个人可以计划他们的营销努力, 利用品牌努力使自己在竞争中脱颖而出, 发展他们的业务.


菲尔·沃尔什, 创业与策略教授, 泰德·罗杰斯管理学院, 多伦多城市大学

《永利体育官网》让学生了解这些概念,frameworks and applications of strategic management in light of a rapidly changing industry environment (consolidation, the advent of artificial intelligence in content creation and the redefinition of the idea of authenticity) which now requires individuals and organizations to be flexible and pivoting. 学生将接触到外部和内部分析框架, 企业责任与可持续发展, scenario planning and developing a strategic roadmap that addresses the managerial issues arising from industry change.


Brad McMaster, Adjunct Lecturer, 泰德·罗杰斯管理学院, 多伦多城市大学

It’s no secret that modern managers are expected to be both tech- and social media-savvy; but, 精通财务一直是一项要求. Most managers and every business owner will  ultimately have some degree of accountability for a business entity’s financial performance. 然而,, rarely doorganizations provide training in financial management and the majority of university courses in  accounting or finance that are requirements for general business students are inadequate in terms of  developing their abilities to use financial information in 决策 effectively. 在本次会议上, you  will learn what drives the need for financial information for key stakeholders and their primary criteria  for evaluating business performance.We will explore the most common and comprehensive source of  reliable financial information – an entity’s financial statements. 使用专有的解构方法(“Macblocks”), we will focus on key data and develop key metrics for assessing a  business’ financial performance. 以这些知识和能力为基础, we will switch to a synthesis  perspective to develop insights and extract meaning from the financial statements as a focus for how to improve business outcomes.


了解新趋势, 来自著名行业领袖小组的技术和各种主题的讨论.